Re: iPHONEEEEEEE !!!!!!!!

¿Alguien habrá abierto la boca? Igual la pantalla del LG es terrible. Parece luz de vela y la del iPhone parece la luz del Super Bowl.

MacBook Pro Retina 15" + MacBook Air M2 15” + Apple Studio Display 27" + Apple Thunderbolt Display 27" + iPhone 14 Pro + iPad 2 + Newton 100
"Iguana iguana Powersurgius"


Re: iPHONEEEEEEE !!!!!!!!

Perdido en algún lugar de la galaxia, Groucho no puede postear pero envía el siguiente comentario:

De: davec
Fecha: 10/01/2007 14:57 
Para: "Macintosh News and Information"<[email protected]
Asunto: Re: Apple iPhone

Adam Boettiger wrote:

I bet quite a few folks will consider changing to
Cingular as a carrier because of their exclusive relationship for it.

Not me.  I'm going to wait until they offer it with Verizon.


The CEO of Cingular, during Jobs' presentation, said that Apple had a
"multi-year exclusive partnership" with Cingular. At first blush it
looks like no-one will be able to support this phone except Cingular
during this period. Might be a long time...

And Verizon has a history of disabling a phone's features and making
customers pay for these "extras". Makes one wonder what of the
iPhone's features they'll make you pay to use.

From Wikipedia's Verizon entry:

Verizon "cripples" the file- and media-transferring features of many
of their cell phone offerings in order to force customers to purchase
content through its "Get It Now" service. One example is the LG
VX8500, a phone that features full MP3 player support. (It has a
miniSD card to store MP3s, and play and pause/stop buttons on the
front of the phone.) Verizon initially modified the phone's firmware
to prevent MP3s from being used altogether. While newer phones were
sold with the MP3 player re-enabled, and customers were usually
informed of this feature, they still cannot be used as ring tones.
The newest version of this phone has once again disabled this
capability. Verizon's policy is in contrast to its major competitors
(both GSM and CDMA): Cingular, T-Mobile, Sprint Nextel, and Alltel;
which allow their customers to use all the features that are
available in... manufacturer's [phones]...


MacBook Pro Retina 15" + MacBook Air M2 15” + Apple Studio Display 27" + Apple Thunderbolt Display 27" + iPhone 14 Pro + iPad 2 + Newton 100
"Iguana iguana Powersurgius"


Re: iPHONEEEEEEE !!!!!!!!

Parece que la versión para Asia del iPhone podría soportar "3G":



Mac Pro 12-Core/HT Xeon 3.46 / 128 GB DDR3 /  4 TB SSD M.2 PCIe + 20 TB HDD / RADEON / Blu-Ray SuperDrive / USB3 / iSight FW
MacBook Air 13" / i7 / 8 GB DDR3 / 256 GB SSD / MacBook Air 11" / i5 / 4 GB DDR3 / 128 GB SSD + MacBook 12" / Core m3 / 8 GB LPDDR3 / 256 SSD. TB Cinema Display 27".
iPhone 15 Pro Max 256 GB Blue / iPad Air 2 64 GB Wi-Fi+LTE / AirPods / Apple Watch Serie 5 Silver GPS / Airport Extreme & Express / Magic Mouse / Mighty Mouse BT / Alu Keyboard / HK SoundSticks II


Re: iPHONEEEEEEE !!!!!!!!

CNN saca un artículo hoy en el que cuenta cómo está la competencia. De ahí extracto lo siguiente:

Would-be rivals are welcoming the challenge but questioning Apple's claim that the iPhone is "revolutionary."

Apple's competitors predict that even as the gadget will likely boost the company's fortunes, it will have limited market share and fall short of the successes Apple has seen with its iPod portable music player. They contend some of the phone's much-touted features -- such as its touch screen, movement sensors and music player -- are not innovative or new.

"They're just jumping into the party where everyone else is," said Peter Skarzynski, a senior vice president at Samsung Electronics Co.'s telecommunications unit in North America.

Nokia Corp. Chief Executive Olli-Pekka Kallasvuo told analysts last week that he doesn't think Nokia, the world's No. 1 handset maker, needs to change its business approach because of the iPhone.

But Apple's entry "will stimulate this market, it's very clear," he said. "The fact that we will see multipurpose devices from many manufacturers, I think it will be good for the industry. And in that way, I very much welcome (Apple to the market)."

Padmasree Warrior, chief technology officer for No. 2 handset maker Motorola Inc., posted a "morning after" blog saying she'd always been a fan of Apple's creativity. She called the iPhone a "compelling concept," but she also outlined its potential shortcomings.

"There is nothing revolutionary or disruptive about any of the technologies," she wrote.

Any criticisms leveled now -- the high price, the exclusive distribution through Cingular Wireless, the choice to use the slower 2.5G data network, the apparent lack of support for Microsoft Corp.'s business e-mail programs, the lack of a traditional QWERTY button keyboard -- could become moot or insignificant later.

If the incumbents are nervous, they're not saying it.

"The iPhone appears to be aimed at consumers; Palm targets prosumers and business customers who require a rich e-mail experience," said Marlene Somsak, a spokeswoman for Palm Inc., maker of Treo smart phones. And those customers also need a full keyboard, she said; typing on the iPhone is done by finger taps on the 3.5-inch touch-screen instead of regular buttons.

The Treo was among the smart phone models Apple Chief Executive Steve Jobs portrayed as clunky to use and "not so smart" during his inaugural demonstration of the iPhone.

Samsung knows consumer tastes for cell phones are diverse. In any given year, Samsung has 30 or more models distributed through multiple carriers in the United States and more than 100 worldwide. "One size doesn't fit all," Skarzynski said. "One look doesn't fit all."

But analysts say cell phone makers should still be concerned about Apple making inroads into their territory. "There is now clearly an extremely savvy marketing competitor with a huge user base," Hoopes said. "They better be nervous. But they are all trying to feign complacency."

MacBook Pro Retina 15" + MacBook Air M2 15” + Apple Studio Display 27" + Apple Thunderbolt Display 27" + iPhone 14 Pro + iPad 2 + Newton 100
"Iguana iguana Powersurgius"


Re: iPHONEEEEEEE !!!!!!!!

Sip, segun dicen el iPhone le esta dando ideas a Microsoft, y prevee sacar un Zune Phone en fin de año...

Serafin Patiño / Apple Certified Macintosh Technician

Macintosh for Productivity - Linux for Development - iPhone for Mobility - Windows for Solitaire
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